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Volunteer Committees & Groups

Volunteers can contribute to the work of NCPG in a variety of different ways to include serving on a Board or Staff committee or participating in a Professional Resource Network or Work Group.

Questions? Contact the NCPG team at committees@NCPGambling.org.


Volunteer with NCPG

Whether you bring a unique skill or just a strong commitment to our mission, we invite you to join our community of volunteers!

Selections for each respective committee are made in January and service starts on February 1, 2025. All applicants will be notified of committee assignment in early January.

Submission Deadline: December 19, 2024

Webinar: Exploring Volunteer Opportunities with NCPG Committees and Groups

This webinar recording provides an inside look at the various committees and groups within NCPG that members & stakeholders can join to contribute to the organization.

Board of Directors

Board of Directors

Serving on the NCPG Board of Directors is an opportunity to join other dedicated individuals to advance NCPG’s vision, mission, and strategic priorities. Board leadership and expertise drive robust policies, support implementation, build membership, and advance the knowledge, skills, and experience that make a difference for everyone affected by problem gambling and the work in responsible gambling.

Nominations and elections: Board nominations and elections are organized by the Board’s Nominations and Elections Committee according to the NCPG bylaws and supporting procedures. See summary below and those documents for details.

  • Candidate eligibility: For at least 12 of the 36 months before the nomination deadline, candidates must be a current Individual member, Affiliate member representative or alternate, or Organizational representative, or any combination of such service.
  • Term Length: Board director terms are for three years.
  • Nominations: NCPG members self-nominate.

Terms: Terms begin on July 1 following a director’s election and end on June 30 (except for vacancy appointments or elections). Each year, three Affiliate directors, one Individual director, and one Organizational director are elected. Directors may serve a maximum of two consecutive three-year terms. Members may reestablish eligibility for service as a Board member after a minimum of one year’s absence from the Board.

Vacancies: Vacancies on the board are handled as follows:

  • Less than one year: The Board may vote to select a member from that category to fill the seat.
  • More than one year: These are filled through the next regular Board election process, or sooner by a special election called by the Board; the Board may also vote to approve an interim appointment to fill the seat until the election.

The NCPG Board of Directors provide leadership and expertise to help build NCPG Membership, guide policies, implement strategies and achieve organizational growth to serve all those affected by problem gambling.


President: Susan Sheridan Tucker, President, NCPG Board of Directors & Executive Director, Minnesota Alliance on Problem Gambling

Staff Liaison: Nancy Green, Interim Executive Director, NCPG


Board Committees

Board Committees

Board committees are created and charged by the NCPG Board of Directors to serve specific needs, often long-term, related to the Board’s responsibilities around governance and strategic leadership. They are entities of and report to the Board, and their work may be further defined in charters, policies, guidelines, and other agreements.

Selection and Terms:

  • Members are selected by the committee chair and staff liaison. Terms begin on the first day of the month following appointment and end on July 31 of each year. Board committee chair terms are two years.


  • Demonstrate subject matter expertise or interest in the committee’s focus.
  • Understand and actively help advance NCPG’s strategic priorities.
  • Attend scheduled meetings and actively contribute to the committee’s work; members missing three or more consecutive meetings may be removed.
  • Comply with the Bylaws, Volunteer Handbook, Code of Conduct, Conflict of Interest, and all other applicable policies, procedures, agreements, and requirements.

Limitations and removal:

  • Participation is limited to NCPG members.
  • Members are not paid or compensated for their service.
  • Members may serve on no more than two board committees concurrently.
  • Members may be removed for cause by the committee chair with the approval of the NCPG board executive committee.


  • Advisory Panel & Affiliates committees follow a unique recruitment or invitation process and timeline and are not open for recruitment via Volunteer Interest Form in Fall 2024.

Members of the Advisory Panel provide counsel and advice to the NCPG Board of Directors when called upon, and must maintain a current NCPG membership. Members should be considered experts in their fields or arenas, and actively and currently support NCPG, its mission, and its strategic priorities through prior governance, legislative or advocacy roles, financial support, academic or research roles, or similar.


Chair: Susan Sheridan Tucker, President, NCPG Board of Directors & Executive Director, Minnesota Alliance on Problem Gambling

Staff Liaison: TBA


Members of the Affiliates Committee make recommendations to the NCPG Board of Directors on all policy and program matters that affect the activities of Affiliate Members, and to help form and develop new Affiliate Members. Affiliate Members serving on the Affiliate Committee are essential players in advancing NCPG’s strategic priorities.


Chair: Vena Schexnayder, Director, NCPG Board of Directors & Executive Director, Arkansas Problem Gambling Council

Co-Chair: Heather Martinez, Associate Director, Illinois Council on Problem Gambling

Staff Liaison: Barbara Rollins, Deputy Director, NCPG




Members of the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee advise the NCPG Board of Directors on issues, challenges, and options to better address underrepresented communities and groups of people who are disproportionately impacted by problem gambling.


Chair: David Yeager, Director, NCPG Board of Directors

Staff Liaison: Cait Huble, Director of Communications, NCPG


Members of the Finance Committee are responsible for overseeing NCPG’s financial operations and budget.


Chair: Derek Longmeier, Treasurer, NCPG Board of Directors & Executive Director, Problem Gambling Network of Ohio

Staff Liaison: Julian Garcia Londono, Director of Finance and Administration, NCPG


Members of the Governance Committee are responsible for recommending any needed changes to the NCPG bylaws, policies, and other governing documents.


Chair: Raquel Buari, Vice President, NCPG Board of Directors & Executive Vice President, Four Winds Casinos

Staff Liaison: TBA


Members of the Nominations & Elections Committee establish procedures and manage the annual process for nominating and electing members of the NCPG Board of Directors.


Chair: Wiley Harwell, Director, NCPG Board of Directors & Executive Director, Oklahoma Association on Problem Gambling & Gaming

Staff Liaison: Barbara Rollins, Deputy Director, NCPG

Staff Committees

Staff Committees

Staff committees are created and charged by the NCPG staff to serve specific needs. Each committee defines its own work, focused on management and operations issues that advance and sustain NCPG’s strategic priorities.

Selection and Terms:

Members are selected by the staff liaison and serve one-year terms, January through December.

Expectations and Limitations:

  • Attend scheduled meetings and actively contribute to the committee’s work.
  • Comply with NCPG’s standard agreements including the Volunteer HandbookCode of Conduct and Conflict of Interest.
  • Members receive no compensation for their participation.
  • There are no limits on the number of staff committees or groups on which an individual may concurrently serve.

Members of the Communications Committee advise on public awareness matters, efforts and campaigns.


Staff Liaison: Cait Huble, Director of Communications, NCPG


Members of the Development Committee advise on fundraising activities for NCPG.


Staff Liaison: Barbara Rollins, Deputy Director, NCPG


Members of the Helpline Committee advise on matters related to the National Problem Gambling Helpline Network.


Staff Liaison: Jaime Costello, Director of Programs, NCPG


Members of the Membership Committee grow and retain an informed, motivated and broad membership base by creating value consistent with the mission of NCPG.


Staff Liaison: Barbara Rollins, Deputy Director, NCPG


Members of the Tribal Advisory Council guide policies and projects that will serve to buttress and provide momentum for culturally specific work related to gambling and Native American communities while sustaining respect for Native American history and sovereignty and in consultation with Native American leaders and experts.


Staff Liaison: Barbara Rollins, Deputy Director, NCPG

Professional Resource Networks

Professional Resource Networks

Professional Resource Networks (PRNs) are NCPG-hosted groups of people with common professional expertise and interests who convene to share resources and collaborate on topics that align with NCPG’s mission and strategic priorities.

Selection and Terms:

  • Members are selected by the committee chair and serve one-year terms, January through December.


  • Each PRN has a staff liaison who provides basic coordination and access information, attends meetings to ensure alignment with and connection to NCPG, coordinates with the chair(s) to maintain the roster, and brings key matters to the appropriate staff or Board of Directors. The liaison is not responsible for other administrative duties.

Expectations and Limitations:

  • Members may attend scheduled convenings and contribute to the PRN’s activities that align with their interests, expertise, and availability.
  • PRNs may bring key issues forward to the Board of Directors or staff through their staff liaison. They may not take formal actions, speak or act on behalf of NCPG or the Board of Directors, or independently embark on activities in the name of NCPG.
  • Members are bound by NCPG’s standard obligations including the Volunteer Handbook and Code of Conduct.
  • There are no limits on the number of PRNs on which an individual may concurrently serve.
  • Members receive no compensation for their participation.

Members of the Military PRN discuss and share ideas on matters related to the impacts of gambling on military populations.


Chair: TBD

Staff Liaison: Andrew Ameen, Helpline Network Quality Manager, NCPG


Members of the Prevention PRN discuss, share ideas, and advocate for prevention services as part of the full problem gambling continuum of care.


Chair: TBD

Staff Liaison: Tory Wilson, Program Manager, NCPG


Members of the Recovery PRN discuss and share ideas on matters of problem gambling recovery.


Chair: TBD

Staff Liaison: Andrew Ameen, Helpline Network Quality Manager, NCPG


Members of the Research PRN discuss and share ideas on problem gambling and responsible gambling research matters.


Chair: TBD

Staff Liaison: Tory Wilson, Program Manager, NCPG


Members of the Responsible Gambling and Government Affairs PRN discuss and share ideas on responsible gambling matters and government affairs.


Chair: TBD

Staff Liaison: Tory Wilson, Program Manager, NCPG


Members of the Treatment PRN discuss and share ideas on problem gambling clinical matters.


Chair: TBD

Staff Liaison: Sushmita Upadhaya, Helpline Infrastructure Manager, NCPG

Staff Work Groups

Staff Work Groups

Staff Work Groups are created and charged by the NCPG staff to serve specific needs. Each work group has a specific purpose and is convened by NCPG staff when needed.

Selection and Terms:

  • Members are selected by the staff liaison and serve up to one-year terms, January through December.


  • Each work group is lead by a staff liaison who provides basic coordination and access information, attends meetings to ensure alignment with and connection to NCPG, and brings key matters to the appropriate staff or Board of Directors.

Expectations and Limitations:

  • Members may attend scheduled convenings and contribute to the work group activities that align with their interests, expertise, and availability.
  • Members are bound by NCPG’s standard obligations including the Volunteer Handbook and Code of Conduct, and all other applicable policies, procedures, agreements, and requirements.
  • There are no limits on the number of work groups on which an individual may concurrently serve.
  • Members receive no compensation for their participation.


  • Conference Steering & Conference Program work groups follow a unique recruitment or invitation process and timeline and are not open for recruitment via Volunteer Interest Form in Fall 2024.

Members of the Awards Work Group administer the NCPG National Awards.


Staff Liaison: Julia Brunson, Communications Manager, NCPG


Members of the Conference Steering Work Group advise and assist with planning and executing the National Conference on Gambling Addiction and Responsible Gambling.


Staff Liaison: Lissa Cobetto, Senior Manager, Event Operations, NCPG


Members of the Conference Program Work Group review and evaluate presentation submissions for the National Conference on Gambling Addiction and Responsible Gambling and develop a high quality program.


Staff Liaison: Jaime Costello, Director of Programs, NCPG


The Media Referral Group is a database that NCPG uses to direct media inquiries to individuals with gambling addiction lived experience.


Staff Liaison: Julia Brunson, Communications Manager, NCPG

Support NCPG's Mission

NCPG receives no federal or dedicated state-level funding. We rely on funding from individual members and donors to advance our mission. To amplify your community impact, join us or make a tax-deductible donation today.