Responsible Gambling Resources for Sports Betting
NCPG believes the expansion of legalized sports gambling in the United States will likely increase gambling participation and problems unless the significants steps are taken to minimize harm.
Safer Sports Betting Initiative
The Safer Sports Betting Initiative aims to reduce the risk of harm associated with sports betting. NCPG’s goal is to develop innovative partnerships and comprehensive problem gambling programs.
Resolution on the Legalization of Sports Gambling
NCPG calls upon all stakeholders in the debate over legalized sports gambling to recognize the potential impact on gambling addiction and offers actionable steps to minimize gambling-related harm.
Responsible Gaming Principles for Sports Gambling Legislation
As states continue to expand legalized sports betting, NCPG encourages legislators to set aside at least one percent of the proceeds for problem gambling prevention and treatment programs.

Sports Wagering: A Special Review
Mobile and online technologies for sports betting are rapidly evolving. To better understand the relationship between sports betting and gambling disorder, NCPG has reviewed more than 140 studies on their connection, finding that athletes, youth and well-educated individuals are at the greatest risk.
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